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Sermon on the Mount

Writer's picture: TJ TorgersonTJ Torgerson

Updated: May 22, 2024

Sermon on the Mount | Matthew 5-7 | TJ Torgerson

A picture of the silhouette of a man on a rock with the words, What did Jesus Preach? in front in a glowing blue font

What did Jesus Preach? What was Jesus’ Message? I suppose that could be answered in a lot of different ways. How would you answer it? Leave a comment below.

Let’s look to the book of Matthew to answer that question.

Matthew tells the story of Jesus in a very cool way. Matthew was a Jewish man, and we believe he was writing to Jewish people. This means that he and his readers knew the story of Israel. When Matthew tells the story of Jesus, he parallels the life of Jesus with the story of Israel. I believe he does this to show that Jesus is the fulfilment, culmination, and continuation of Israel’s story.


- The story of Israel begins with Abraham -> Matthew chapter 1 begins with a genealogy connecting Jesus to Abraham.

- Israel later comes out of Egypt -> Matthew chapter 2 shows Jesus coming from Egypt.

- Israel crosses through water into a wilderness for 40 years -> Matthew chapters 3 and 4 show Jesus going through the waters into the wilderness for 40 days.

- Israel gathers at a mountain and receives the /word of God -> Matthew 5 tells of Jesus on a mountain delivering the word of God to the people.

Just what was this word that Jesus taught? It is the famous Sermon on the mount. Most consider this sermon to be the heart of Jesus’ message. In this post, I am going to fly over the sermon on the mount with my paraphrased interpretation.



Jesus, the one who came to form a new sort of people, sees the crowd gathered and goes up on the mountainside. He sits down, taking the place of authority, and he begins to teach his disciples. He says something like…


Who is it that really has God’s favor? Who are the ones living the good life?


Is it those that have a fancy house, big yard, and a brand-new truck?

Is it those with the perfectly curated Instagram life?

Is it those who are so well off that they do not need anything, to the point that the community of faith is simply a nice accessory?


Or are the ones that are really receiving God’s favor those whom the community of faith is a necessity? The ones that are poor in their very being. They are at the end of their rope, and they have no choice but to trust God and to trust one another. They are receiving God's favor — God’s kingdom belongs to them.


The ones that have experienced great loss, those going through the dark times. They have experienced great injustice, and their lives are marked by deep mourning. They have received God’s favor. They are living the good life because God promises to comfort. They are blessed because in their grief and longing for justice, they come alongside one another with comfort and encouragement. It is the meek, the humbled, and the oppressed ones that inherit the earth.


The good life of God’s favor comes when you hunger and thirst for him - despite circumstances. It is the byproduct of seeking more of God rather than more stuff.


The good life is to not seek retribution against oppressors or payback to those who have caused us to mourn. It is to be merciful and receive mercy. It is when we work to make peace as true children of God. Not starting fights and conflicts to get our way.


We live by the principles of Christ even in the face of persecution, if it means losing our jobs or losing our lives. Because we know that in the end the way of Christ will be shown to be true.


It is when we live in the way of Christ, despite our status, despite our circumstances, despite the consequences, despite the immediate results that we are an example to the world of God’s faithfulness. But if ever we give up in the face of hardship or cast off the way of Christ for our own, it is then that the example is lost. We are the light of the world — Let’s not hide that light! Jesus is our standard! Everything in scripture leads to him and can only be understood when read in the light of him. He is the one that enlivens and informs all scripture. This means that every splash of ink on the page is important. To follow him we must do and teach what he teaches about These words.


Striving to live it out, not setting any of it aside, in fact, we are called to live this book in a way that exceeds even the BEST AND most holy person we can think of!!!


For example… one clear command is “do not murder.” that is easy enough, but what about that grudge you are holding on to? What about your tendency to be hot-headed and fly off the handle? What about how sometimes in your rage you spew out all sorts of mean-spirited and hurtful things? You know that words can damage and kill. So, when you behave like that, you are guilty of murder. It is a serious matter — and we need to make it a priority to mend relationships — don’t delay! In fact, this is such an important thing that if you have to choose between attending a church service or fixing a relationship, then go fix the relationship.


Relationships matter, seeing the humanity in another matters — we are not to see them as targets of anger or for that matter objects of desire. Some say the clear command — the clear line is adultery. Do not commit adultery, but when you see someone as an object to lust after, are you not already committing adultery in your heart?


Relationships matter, so when you make a commitment to someone that commitment should not be easily thrown away just because it becomes inconvenient or difficult. We are, of course, speaking about marriage. Marriage is sacred. It is a holy union created by God to make a man and a woman ‘one flesh”. It is a relationship that should not be taken lightly. Divorce destroys relationships; it is a breaking of a covenantal commitment. Divorce doesn’t please God.

Isn’t it important for followers of Christ to be people of their word in all things? We shouldn’t live the kind of life where we need to manipulate people to get them to trust us. We shouldn’t be the kind of person that carefully crafts words so that you can find a loophole later and avoid responsibility and obligation. A clear and simple Yes or no should be enough. Fulfill your obligations.

In fact, let’s do more than fulfill obligations. Let’s be people who are looking for opportunities to be generous with grace, mercy, and forgiveness. Generous with our whole lives. Not simply enduring injustice, not doing the bare minimum -- but fighting against evil, injustice, selfishness with a generous love. Turning the other cheek, going the extra mile, giving the shirt and coat off our backs. Even showing this radical love to the ones that harm us, to our enemies.


Just as our Father in heaven shows kindness to all people by sending rain and sunshine so that all peoples’ crops will grow and flourish. This same grace, kindness, and forgiveness you receive from God share with others.


But when we are showing this generosity towards others, we should be careful not to make a big show of it so that we are getting a lot of attention and praise. Because we live this way to please God -- so that he would be honored in this world by how we live our lives and how we give and provide for one another.


The same can be said about our spiritual practices like prayer and fasting. We might be tempted to present ourselves in such a way that others think we are better than we are, and they pat us on the back and say how good and godly we must be. These spiritual practices are meant to be about your relationship with God, not about boosting your image or ego.


What it really comes down to -- is what is important to you? Where is your heart? Are you concerned about building wealth? Are you concerned about what others think of you? Are you focused on protecting yourself or your reputation? All these things are temporary. Be concerned with the eternal, with pleasing Christ with your life.


We can only have 1 God. So, will we let our love and devotion to ourselves -- cause us to hate God? We can’t follow Jesus and selfishness. We can’t serve God and money.


Stop worrying about temporary things and instead trust God. After all, doesn’t God look after the birds in the air, and the flowers in the fields? Won’t he also take care of you? Seek God first and all these things will be given to you as well.


Church -- The way Christ calls us to live is difficult and there will be times you fail and times when you see others fail. The temptation will be to point out the faults in others — because doing so can make you forget about the very big ways in which you fail. But instead of judgment extend grace. The more sternly you judge others, then the more sternly you will be judged. The more you scrutinize someone the more others will scrutinize you. So don’t go around hunting out every speck of imperfection in others rather seek to live out the way of Jesus for yourself. When in doubt just treat others as you would want them to treat you.


If you ever have a hard time finding the grace or strength to live the way Jesus has laid out then turn to God, ask him for help, seek him and his way and guidance, knock on his door in the middle of the night! He is a good God and good father, and he wants the best for you. He will give you what you need.


The path that Jesus lays out is like a narrow gate, it’s hard to find it’s hard to get through but it leads to life. There are many other ways, easier ways, but they lead to destruction. So, we need to be careful because lots of people will claim to be followers of Jesus and they might have fancy sounding words and be very convincing. However, unless they are living this life of radical grace, love, forgiveness that Jesus calls us to, then do not follow them. Because at the end of the day big talk and putting on a show is easy. But if we really want to be part of the kingdom of God then we must live by the rules and values of the kingdom. we must live how Jesus has taught.

Everyone who hears these words of Jesus about this radical love, grace, self-sacrificial living and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of Jesus and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”


When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were amazed at his teaching, because he taught as one who had authority, and not as their teachers of the law. -Matthew 7:28–29 (NIV)

Amazement is one thing – But what will we do? Will we hear and obey like the wise builder, or will we hear and ignore like the fool?

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